
Showing posts with the label wireless interconnected photoelectric smoke alarms australia

How to install smoke alarms onto the ceiling

How to install our smoke alarms onto your ceiling! Ever wondered how to physically attach our photoelectric smoke alarms to your ceiling? This short video will show you how!  Prior to undertaking any home maintenance tasks ensure you have basic personal protective equipment (PPE) such as safety glasses when using a drill. If using a ladder to reach the ceiling it is always a good idea to have someone supporting the ladder whilst you are standing on it. Checklist of what's needed: - Pencil - Hammer - Screws and anchor plugs (included with our smoke alarms) - Drill with 5mm bit - Smoke alarm and its mounting bracket STEP 1: Gently twist the mounting bracket to remove it from the rear of the smoke detector. STEP 2: Locate the mounting bracket in your chosen position on the ceiling. Use a pencil to mark the location of the two mounting bracket slots on the ceiling. Note that there are specific prescriptive requirements for Queensland smoke alarms , dictating where they should an...

Smoke alarm secrets and the Australian Standard - read this before buying!

In the second instalment of this multi-part series, we continue our deep dive into Australian Standard 3786:2014 to understand what it means for smoke alarm conformity. All smoke alarms sold within Australia must comply to the standard. Section 4.22.1 of the Australian Standard describes the markings and types of information included on the smoke alarm itself. If the smoke alarm does not have all this information on it – then technically it is non-compliant to the standard. Have a look at your photoelectric smoke alarm to double check if it has the following information. 4.22 Marking 4.22.1 Smoke alarm Each smoke alarm shall be legibly and indelibly marked with the following: (a) The number and date of this Standard (i.e. AS 3786:2014). (b) The name or trademark and address of the manufacturer or supplier. (c) The model designation (type or number). (d) The type of smoke alarm (type A or type B), e.g. photoelectric or ionization. (e) The alarm condition aural signa...

Everything you wish you knew before buying a photoelectric smoke alarm

  In the first of this multi-part series we will review Australian Standard 3786:2014 and take a look at what it means for smoke alarm conformity in Australia. The full name of the standard which encompasses smoke alarm conformity in Australia is ‘Australian Standard 3786:2014 Smoke alarms using scattered light, transmitted light or ionization’. Standards are documents that set out specifications, procedures and guidelines that aim to ensure products are safe, consistent, and reliable. When a standard such as AS 3786:2014 is referenced by state or national legislation, then it becomes mandatory in the eyes of the law. The Australian Standard document is broken down into several key components – the two of interest that we will be reviewing throughout this multi-part series are the ‘tests’ and ‘general requirements’ for smoke alarms. Section 4.17 of the Australian Standard states that; ‘ The smoke alarm shall be so designed that a sphere of diameter larger than 1.3 ±0.05 mm cannot p...