WARNING: 10 Common Mistakes That Could Leave Queenslander's Homes in Flames! Are You Guilty of These Smoke Alarm Sins?

In Queensland, as in any part of the world, looking after your smoke alarm is of paramount importance. Smoke alarms serve as a critical line of defense against the devastating consequences of fires, which can result in personal injury, property damage and even loss of life. Queensland, with its unique climate and Queenslander style homes, is no exception. Regular maintenance and testing of smoke alarms ensure they remain in optimal working condition. It's not just a matter of compliance with local QLD smoke alarm laws; it's about safeguarding the lives of your loved ones and neighbours. Neglecting to care for your smoke alarms can have dire consequences, and it is everyone's responsibility to prioritize fire safety by keeping these devices in tip top shape. Here is a list of 10 things you should NEVER do to your photoelectric smoke alarms. 1. Do not disable it: Never intentionally disable your household smoke alarm, even temporarily, as it compromises your safety. A disab...