Smoke alarm secrets and the Australian Standard - read this before buying!

In the second instalment of this multi-part series, we continue our deep dive into Australian Standard 3786:2014 to understand what it means for smoke alarm conformity. All smoke alarms sold within Australia must comply to the standard. Section 4.22.1 of the Australian Standard describes the markings and types of information included on the smoke alarm itself. If the smoke alarm does not have all this information on it – then technically it is non-compliant to the standard. Have a look at your photoelectric smoke alarm to double check if it has the following information. 4.22 Marking 4.22.1 Smoke alarm Each smoke alarm shall be legibly and indelibly marked with the following: (a) The number and date of this Standard (i.e. AS 3786:2014). (b) The name or trademark and address of the manufacturer or supplier. (c) The model designation (type or number). (d) The type of smoke alarm (type A or type B), e.g. photoelectric or ionization. (e) The alarm condition aural signa...